In challenging economic times, effective supplier negotiation becomes increasingly critical. When suppliers are motivated to invest in your brand, and supplier agreements are structured to increase funding rates and lower product costs, you can improve category margins and achieve strategic goals faster.
Because the best supplier agreements are based on strong partnerships, Impact 21 Negotiation and Contract training is designed to support category, marketing, loyalty program managers, pricebook, and analysts in building better relationships with suppliers. The course trains your team to apply best-in-class negotiation techniques using YOUR top supplier agreements. You gain knowledge and strategics to drive immediate results and become the preferred partner for your suppliers.
Through the Impact 21 Negotiation Training course, you will learn how to:
Strategic selling and negotiation. Develop a selling approach that sells suppliers on the unique advantages of investing in your company. Master negotiation techniques that create an atmosphere of collaboration while empowering you to shape a successful conversation.
Best-in-class supplier agreement structure. Assess your current supplier agreements and learn how to structure them to fully support your strategic objectives.
Securing and increasing funding. Become more effective at obtaining incremental funding for promotions, displays, loyalty programs, special events, and more.
Optimizing funding opportunities. Analyze the breakdown of supplier investment across the supply chain and determine how to tap into the different areas of trade funding.
Category managers, marketing managers, and loyalty program managers graduated from this Impact 21 course with the skill sets and confidence they need to negotiate more successfully with their key suppliers. The course cost of $9,950 includes six hours of interactive content led by an in-person facilitator. Breakout sessions, role playing, and behavioral psychology techniques are all part of the proven curriculum, giving participants the knowledge and practice they need to take contract negotiation to the next level.
Meet the Negotiations
& Contracts Experts
To learn more about how Impact 21 can help you with
Negotiations & Contracts, get in touch.
Liza Salaria
Kevin Farley
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